Be Equipped
God created every church to resound for His glory in their community and beyond. Yet, with 66% of MBC churches plateaued or declining, many are heading toward closure, ending their Gospel impact in their community and beyond.
Churches don’t need to die; they can experience renewal and rebirth. God has gifted His church with pastors to lead them toward His vision for the church. We believe God is raising up a generation of pastors (younger, older, full-time, bivocational, etc.) to catalyze a movement of revitalization and replanting. Maybe God is calling you to be part of that movement:
- Has God called you to a church in need of revitalization or replanting?
- Has He given you a burden for restoring dying churches?
- Has He gifted you with the characteristics of a revitalizer or replanter?
We are committed to equipping leaders for this movement by discovering, developing, and deploying revitalizers and replanters. Explore the content and opportunities below and consider starting a conversation about joining the movement.