Renew & Resound

Renew & Resound

A 40-Day Guide to Renewal

One-size-fits-all solutions don’t exist for church revitalization and replanting. Each church and its context is unique. Yet, one component remains essential in every effort: spiritual renewal. Facilities, leadership, ministry, and a host of other issues may need to be addressed, but apart from a move of the Holy Spirit to renew the people of God through the power of the gospel, we have no hope.

Every church seeking to resound in fresh ways for God’s glory and the good of its community must begin by relying on the Lord to renew it spiritually and provide clarity for its future direction.

This guide has been developed by Missouri Baptist pastors and associational leaders for the sake of cultivating spiritual renewal and healthy churches. This 40-day journey provides six daily devotions per week (Monday-Saturday), and a weekly challenge to engage as you gather with your church.

Order Copies
Through the sacrificial investment of Missouri Baptist leaders and the generous support of the Cooperative Program & Missouri Missions Offering, physical copies of this book are available to Missouri Baptists at $3 each. 
For all other churches or organizations, physical copies are available at $5 each. Any proceeds are utilized to honor the investment of the volunteers who contributed by reinvesting in future resources for Missouri Baptist leaders. 
Please email to get more information or place an order.