Discover – Quick Start Guide & Web Resources

Discovering the Called

Your journey for discovering future leaders starts here.

This quick-start guide offers step-by-step instructions for pastors to help believers discover their calling. While all believers are called to ministry in the local church (Eph. 4), some are called to ministry leadership in a volunteer or vocational role. Prepare to call out the called and begin intentionally inviting people to consider their call.

I. Expect

How do I prepare to call out the called?
  • Reflect on God’s promises to provide the leaders His people need – 1 Chron. 28:20-21 & Eph. 4:7-16

  • Pray for God to raise up laborers and leaders for the harvest – Luke 10:2

  • Begin expecting the unexpected as the Lord often calls people we least expect (i.e. Paul).

  • Lead your church to pray for laborers and leaders for the harvest – Luke 10:2

  • Share your story of God’s calling in your life and invite a lay leader to do the same.

II. Extend

How do I begin to call out the called?
  • Identify specific people you sense may be called to ministry leadership.

  • Invite them to begin praying about whether God is calling them to ministry leadership.

  • Preach a sermon series on the topic of calling.

  • Lead your church to pray weekly with the prayer prompts in the sermon outlines.

  • Share videos of God’s calling in people’s lives on Sunday morning and via social media. (coming soon)

  • Equip your small group leaders to lead discussions about calling. A great tool for this step is Jeff Iorg’s Is God Calling Me? You can provide the book to your leaders or download a brief summary (.pdf).

III. Explore

How do I help people consider their calling?
  • Invite several men or women to begin intentionally discerning their calling together by working with them through the Discerning Your Call Quick Start Guide.
         Discern QSG (web version)
         Discern QSG (.pdf)

  • Read Calling out the Called: Discipling Those Called to Ministry Leadership by Scott Pace and Shane Pruitt. Reflect on the contents of this resource to gain a holistic picture of next steps for those wrestling with a call to ministry leadership.

  • Challenge people to respond to the sermons by reflecting on the provided response questions.

  • Insert the response questions in your bulletin or a separate handout.

  • Encourage people to share their honest responses with you or other leaders in the church.

  • Host an Exploring Your Call Workshop.
         Download a workshop outline (.pdf)