
Where do we go from here?

God created every church to resound for His glory in their community and beyond. Yet, each year close to 900 churches hold their final service, closing their doors and ending their Gospel impact in their community and beyond. Closure is often the result of unaddressed gradual decline which has occurred over decades. Churches don’t need to die, they can experience renewal and rebirth.

If your church is plateaued or in decline, you are not alone, and we’re here to come alongside you to pursue a process toward a renewed future for your church. Check out the process below, and start a conversation with us today.

Our Process at a Glance

First Steps

Start an initial conversation with your church leaders and the network to explore your church’s history and present reality as well as the network’s process.

Because we don’t do things to churches or for churches but partner with churches, the entire congregation must vote to start the discover stage.

Alongside your local network team,  your church will conduct an in-depth assessment of the church’s health and context.

Possible Pathways

Having discovered your church’s unique context, opportunities, and challenges and having sought the Lord together, one of the following customizable pathways will be recommended.
The extended pursuit of renewed health and effectiveness through an intentional and strategic change process.

The decisive transformation of a church in order to experience new life through a relaunch, adoption, or merger.

The creative stewardship of facilities and resources through the development of a ministry center or an investment in strategic ministry partners.

Continued Process

Having discovered the church’s present reality and the recommended path forward, your church considers and votes on the recommendation.

In the case of affirmation, the network team will walk alongside your church to implement the recommendations.

After three to five years, or earlier if appropriate, the church partners with other churches in need to continue the movement of revitalization and replanting throughout Missouri and beyond.

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Is your church ready to get started?