“But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
– Philippians 3:13b-14
Resound Summit: Leading with Tenacity
with Dr. Jeff Iorg
February 6, 10 am – 3 pm
Concord Baptist Church
Jefferson City, MO
This event is offered at no cost to you through the Cooperative Program and generous sponsors.
Event Summary
Anyone in the work of renewal knows two things are required: a willingness to change, and tenacity. This year we have invited Dr. Jeff Iorg to share with Missouri Baptists at our annual summit. Dr. Iorg is a leader who is gifted at leading change, and who demonstrates tenacity in leadership. We pray those in attendance will feel encouraged to “press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
From pastors to lay leaders, women’s ministry to youth ministry, this summit has something for you.
(This year we are pleased to offer childcare. Please see below for more information)
Breakout Sessions
Filling Our Discipleship Gaps: Pursuing the One While Pastoring the Ninety-Nine
In Ephesians 4, we are called to equip the saints for ministry, helping to build up the body of Christ until we all reach maturity. As leaders, we often measure success by the number of followers, but what intentional steps can we take to ensure we are shepherding everyone—especially those who may be drifting, neglected, or overlooked?
Brent Longenecker
Resounding Disciples
Missouri Baptist Convention
Five Questions for Church Renewal
We will explore five questions that church leaders should consider when thinking about church renewal. We invite you to engage in the conversation by sharing how you are addressing these questions in your ministry context.
Buddy Funk
Resound Network Director
Missouri Baptist Convention
Pastoral Multiplicity
How shifting from a culture of pastoral singularity, to a culture of pastoral multiplicity can be a powerful catalyst for church renewal.
Culture eats strategy for breakfast. Could this be why many church leaders experience frustration as they preach and teach Jesus’ multiplication strategy but rarely experience the fruitful reproduction of disciples? Examine how a culture of pastoral singularity could be suffocating Jesus’ strategy for reaching your community with His glory. Explore incremental and realistic adjustments you can make to your leadership style, regardless of the size or context of your church, that reintroduce the presence and power of God back into His church.
Jim Misloski
Director of Church Renewal Group
Missouri Baptist Convention
Residency Builder
The Residency Builder breakout session will assist you in envisioning a process to discover, develop, and deploy leaders from within your church. Leaders in the church are not just born; they are developed.
Jason Zellmer
Send Network MO
Viable: The Business of Ministry
Are your ministry efforts sustainable? Will your ministry survive after you are gone? While the Gospel is always the priority, without a financial plan and business principles, your ministry will not survive. Join us as we learn the seven vital signs to help ensure your ministry becomes and remains viable.
Dr. Neil Franks
President & CEO
Missouri Baptist Foundation
Beyond the Scroll: Connecting with Gen Z & Alpha for Christ
Join us as we explore their values, habits, and challenges, so that we might adapt our ministry strategies.
Jerome Stockert
Collegiate Ministries Group Director
Missouri Baptist Convention
Shepherding a Student Ministry
We’ll dive into how to intentionally shepherd your students and develop leaders who are equipped for ministry. We’ll explore how to create a shepherding plan that ensures no student slips through the cracks while fostering a culture of discipleship and multiplication.
Dan Gibson
Next Gen Strategist
Missouri Baptist Convention
Trade in Your Buckets
Discover strategies to turn your kids ministry environments inside out and equip kids to turn their worlds upside down! Gospel Centered teaching challenges us to recognize the significance of kids in the kingdom today. Transform your ministry mindset from filling buckets to utilizing pipelines for gospel advancement.
Jamie Brown
Missouri Baptist Convention
Ministry Wives Network: The Pursuit of Persistence
Being a Ministry Wife requires tenacity. We will look at the lives of some women in the Bible who were faced with difficult situations and discover how they persisted in pursuing God’s purpose for the people who were entrusted to their care. We will explore how to practically apply the principles they used and how to incorporate them into the contexts in which you serve as Ministry Wives.
Adrianna Anderson
Ministry Wives Network Director, MBC
Trainer and Event Specialist, Lifeway Women
The Apostle Paul: An Example for Associational Leaders
We will examine Paul’s farewell address to the Elders in Ephesus (Acts 20:13-38) to discover insights regarding the work of an associational leader and how those should influence our current structures.
John Vernon
Director of Missions
Cape Girardeau Baptist Association
The Worship Target
Growing gracious and holy affections through congregational worship.
Dr. Brad Newbold
Worship Pastor
Concord Baptist Church
We are pleased to be able to partner with Disaster Relief to provide childcare for ages 0-7 during this event. Please fill out the childcare registration form below. Only one registration form per family is needed.
The deadline has passed and childcare registration is now closed. Event registration is still open.